Mark's Garden
VerifiedShopping and SalesAbout {Florist Sherman Oaks}
Mark's Garden is a florist in Sherman Oaks, California offering beautiful and creative floral arrangements for all occasions. We provide a wide selection of fresh flowers and gifts, which include plants, balloons, stuffed animals, and chocolates. Whether you're looking for something special for an event or just want to brighten someone's day, Mark's Garden has something for everyone.
Mark's Garden
VerifiedShopping and SalesMark's Garden
VerifiedShopping and SalesMark's Garden
VerifiedShopping and SalesMark's Garden
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Mark's Garden
VerifiedShopping and SalesBusiness Profile
Business Category:
Additional Categories:
- Flower delivery
- Flower designer
- Business
Onsite Services Provided
In-Store Pickup Available
This is a SMB (Small and Medium-Sized Business)
Delivery Option is Available
Reviews for Mark's Garden
| 190 Reviews
Leslie Flores
Most beautiful flowers. My favorite to give and to receive. Especially the orchids. They last for months!
Stephen Olson
A little on the expensive side but we'll worth it! The arrangement was beautiful and the delivery was as promised.
Tanya Lapointe
Andrew Melikidse
Ed Nebens
Beautiful as always - They never disappoint